- WWW : http://www.dunwich.org/baptiste
- Public E-mail :
baptiste @ dunwich.org- Private E-mail :
As many other people over there, I am victim of an overflow of SPAM E-mail. My E-mail provider indicated me that with a average of 10.000 SPAMS a day, it was difficulte for him to keep-up. Althought 99% are blocked by the server-side filter, It stills leaves me withh 100 SPAMs a day to process manually. For that reason, I decided to set e conter-SPAM strategy.
I have three E-mail addresses. One public, one private, and one service.
For these reasons, I am no longer releasing my private address in text format, and I would appreciate that you will not dislose my address to spammers, or put my E-mail address in any kind of third-party service (including greetings cards, sponsoring, gift programms...).
- The public address is an auto-responder that will give my private address to any humain that will write to me.
- The private address is the address that I will scan regularly for new incoming messages from my contacts.
- The service address is a disposable address that I will provide to services (internet shop, subscription...), which will eventually become clogged with SPAM and jettisoned.
It may be possible that this strategy will make me loose some E-mails or contacts, but the risk is not worse than the one included when I daily trash over 100 SPAMS, that may include a genuine message from a friend.
Baptiste Marcel Le Village 09320 Biert France Phone : +33 (0) 5 61 96 93 69