Belphégor photo gallery
The major Eiffel scene (spoiler)


Eiffel Tower
ACD Systems Digital Imaging�

[cap034.jpg, 768 × 576, 72 kB]


Eiffel Tower, east pile
ACD Systems Digital Imaging�

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Eiffel Tower, the elevator
ACD Systems Digital Imaging�

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Eiffel Tower, the climbing
ACD Systems Digital Imaging�

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Eiffel Tower: view from the elevator
ACD Systems Digital Imaging�

[cap038.jpg, 768 × 576, 83 kB]


The ennemies kidnapped Colette and bring her to the Eiffel Tower
ACD Systems Digital Imaging�

[cap039.jpg, 768 × 576, 55 kB]


Eiffel Tower: view from the elevator
ACD Systems Digital Imaging�

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Eiffel Tower: view from the elevator. At the top right, one can see the palais de Chaillot
ACD Systems Digital Imaging�

[cap041.jpg, 768 × 576, 85 kB]


Eiffel Tower, the arch below the first floor from the elevator
ACD Systems Digital Imaging�

[cap042.jpg, 768 × 576, 67 kB]


Eiffel Tower. The enemies carry Colette on the first floor, on their way to the second floor
ACD Systems Digital Imaging�

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Eiffel Tower: second floor view from the ground
ACD Systems Digital Imaging�

[cap046.jpg, 768 × 576, 72 kB]


Colette is abandonned on the second floor
ACD Systems Digital Imaging�

[cap047.jpg, 768 × 576, 49 kB]


Commissaire Ménardier and his man searching COlette on the second floor of the Eiffel Tower
ACD Systems Digital Imaging�

[cap048.jpg, 768 × 576, 77 kB]

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File created 01/12/2002 AD 18:19:22 with software Albagtor version 7.22, last update 01/04/2007 AD 20:42:57 by Baptiste Marcel (, located in Asnières-sur-Seine.
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