NNº | S.Nº | Title | Titre | Air Date |
1 | 1.01 | The Vulcan Affair | 22.9.64 | |
2 | 1.02 | The Iowa-Scuba Affair | 29.9.64 | |
3 | 1.03 | The Quadripartite Affair | 06.10.64 | |
4 | 1.04 | The Shark Affair | 13.10.64 | |
5 | 1.05 | The Deadly Game Affair | 20.10.64 | |
6 | 1.06 | The Green Opal Affair | 27.10.64 | |
7 | 1.07 | The Giuco Piano Affair | 10.11.64 | |
8 | 1.08 | The Double Affair | 17.11.64 | |
9 | 1.09 | The Project Strigas Affair | 24.11.64 | |
10 | 1.10 | The Finny Food Affair | 02.12.64 | |
11 | 1.11 | The Neptune Affair | 08.12.64 | |
12 | 1.12 | The Dove Affair | 15.12.64 | |
13 | 1.13 | The King of Knaves Affair | 22.12.64 | |
14 | 1.14 | The Terbul Affair | 29.12.64 | |
15 | 1.15 | The Deadly Decoy Affair | 11.1.65 | |
16 | 1.16 | The Fiddlesticks Affair | 18.1.65 | |
17 | 1.17 | The Yellow Scarf Affair | 25.1.65 | |
18 | 1.18 | The Mad, Mad, Tea Party Affair | 01.2.65 | |
19 | 1.19 | The Secret Scepter Affair | 08.2.65 | |
20 | 1.20 | The Bow-Bow Affair | 15.2.65 | |
21 | 1.21 | The Four-Steps Affair | 22.2.65 | |
22 | 1.22 | The See-Paris-and-Die-Affair | 01.3.65 | |
23 | 1.23 | The Brain-Killer Affair | 08.3.65 | |
24 | 1.24 | The Hong-Kong Schilling Affair | 15.3.65 | |
25 | 1.25 | The Never-Never Affair | 22.3.65 | |
26 | 1.26 | The Love Affair | 29.3.65 | |
27 | 1.27 | The Gazebo in The Maze Affair | 05.4.65 | |
28 | 1.28 | The Girls of Nazarone Affair | 12.4.65 | |
29 | 1.29 | The Odd Man Affair | 19.4.65 | |
30 | 2.01 | Alexander the Great Affair 1/2 | (Un espion de trop) 1/2 | 17.9.65 |
31 | 2.02 | Alexander the Great Affair 2/2 | (Un espion de trop) 2/2 | 24.9.65 |
32 | 2.03 | The Ultimate Computer Affair | (L'Integrateur universel) | 01.10.65 |
33 | 2.04 | The Foxes and Hounds Affair | (Au chat et à la souris) | 08.10.65 |
34 | 2.05 | The Discotheque Affair | (Une belle discothèque) | 15.10.65 |
35 | 2.06 | The Recollectors Affair | (L'Affaire des récuperateurs) | 22.10.65 |
36 | 2.07 | The Arabian Affair | (Le Désert d'arabie) | 29.10.65 |
37 | 2.08 | The Tigers Are Coming Affair | (Le Tigre) | 05.11.65 |
38 | 2.09 | The Deadly Toys Affair | (Attrapez qui vous pourrez) | 12.11.65 |
39 | 2.10 | The Cherry Blossom Affair | (Opération volcan) | 19.11.65 |
40 | 2.11 | The Virtue Affair | (Ni vin, ni champagne) | 03.12.65 |
41 | 2.12 | The Children's Day Affair | (Une étrange école) | 10.12.65 |
42 | 2.13 | The Adriatic Express Affair | (Adriatique express) | 17.12.65 |
43 | 2.14 | The Yukon Affair | (Le Minerai mysterieux) | 24.12.65 |
44 | 2.15 | The Very Important Zombie Affair | (L'Envoutement) | 31.12.65 |
45 | 2.16 | The Dippy Blonde Affair | (Souvent blonde varie) | 07.1.66 |
46 | 2.17 | The Deadly Goddess Affair | (L'Île aux pourceaux) | 14.1.66 |
47 | 2.18 | The Birds and the Bees Affair | (Les Abeilles) | 21.1.66 |
48 | 2.19 | The Waverly Ring Affair | (Quitte ou double) | 28.1.66 |
49 | 2.20 | The Bridge of Lions Affair 1/2 | (Un de nos espions a disparu) 1/2 | 04.2.66 |
50 | 2.21 | The Bridge of Lions Affair 2/2 | (Un de nos espions a disparu) 2/2 | 11.2.66 |
51 | 2.22 | The Foreign Legion Affair | (Au coeur du désert) | 18.2.66 |
52 | 2.23 | The Moonglow Affair | (Opération luciole) | 25.2.66 |
53 | 2.24 | The Nowhere Affair | (La cité fantôme) | 04.3.66 |
54 | 2.25 | The King of Diamonds Affair | (Le roi des diamants) | 11.3.66 |
55 | 2.26 | The "Project Deephole" Affair | (Cataclysme) | 18.3.66 |
56 | 2.27 | The Round-Table Affair | (L'Épée de Saint-Georges) | 25.3.66 |
57 | 2.28 | The Bat Cave Affair | (Opération chauve-souris) | 01.4.66 |
58 | 2.29 | The Minus X Affair | (Minus x) | 08.4.66 |
59 | 2.30 | The Indians Affairs Affair | (Bombe sur l'Oklahoma) | 15.4.66 |
60 | 3.01 | The Her Master's Voice Affair | (Le Rôle d'une berceuse) | 16.9.66 |
61 | 3.02 | The Sort of Do-It-Yourself Dreadful Affair | (Les Monstres) | 23.9.66 |
62 | 3.03 | The Galatea Affair | (Bibi et Rosy) | 30.9.66 |
63 | 3.04 | The Super-Colossal Affair | (Le Feu du ciel) | 07.10.66 |
64 | 3.05 | The Monks of St Thomas Affair | (Les Moines de St-Thomas) | 14.10.66 |
65 | 3.06 | The Pop Art Affair | (Pop art) | 21.10.66 |
66 | 3.07 | The Thor Affair | (La Colombe de la paix) | 26.10.66 |
67 | 3.08 | The Candidate's Wife Affair | (La Femme du candidat) | 04.11.66 |
68 | 3.09 | The Come With Me to the Casbah Affair | (Poésie, poésie) | 11.11.66 |
69 | 3.10 | The Off-Broadway Affair | (Grande première) | 01.11.66 |
70 | 3.11 | The Concrete Overcoat Affair 1/2 | (L'Espion au chapeau vert) 1/2 | 25.11.66 |
71 | 3.12 | The Concrete Overcoat Affair 2/2 | (L'Espion au chapeau vert) 2/2 | 02.12.66 |
72 | 3.13 | The Abominable Snowman Affair | (L'Usurpateur) | 09.12.66 |
73 | 3.14 | The My Friend the Gorilla Affair | (Défense d'y voir) | 16.12.66 |
74 | 3.15 | The Jingle Bells Affair | (Joyeux noël) | 23.12.66 |
75 | 3.16 | The Take Me to Your Leader Affair | (Le danger vient du ciel) | 30.12.66 |
76 | 3.17 | The Suburbia Affair | (La Cité du silence) | 01.1.67 |
77 | 3.18 | The Deadly Smorgasboard Affair | (L'Invention du professeur Nielsen) | 13.1.67 |
78 | 3.19 | The Yo-Ho-Ho and Bottle of Rum Affair | (La Bouteille de rhum) | 20.1.67 |
79 | 3.20 | The Napoleon's Tomb Affair | (Le Tombeau de napoléon) | 27.1.67 |
80 | 3.21 | The It's All Greek to Me Affair | (De Charybde en Scylla) | 03.2.67 |
81 | 3.22 | The Hula Doll Affair | (La Danseuse hawaienne) | 17.2.67 |
82 | 3.23 | The Pieces of Fate Affair | (Oncle Charlie) | 24.2.67 |
83 | 3.24 | The Matterhorn Affair | (L'Affaire Matterhorn) | 03.3.67 |
84 | 3.25 | The Hot Number Affair | (Un modele tres recherche) | 10.3.67 |
85 | 3.26 | The When in Roma Affair | (Voyage à Rome) | 17.3.67 |
86 | 3.27 | The Apple-a-Day Affair | (Histoire de pommes) | 24.3.67 |
87 | 3.28 | The Five Daughters Affair 1/2 | (Tueurs au karaté) 1/2 | 31.3.67 |
88 | 3.29 | The Five Daughters Affair 2/2 | (Tueurs au karaté) 2/2 | 07.4.67 |
89 | 3.30 | The Cap and Gown Affair | (Un sosie dangereux) | 14.4.67 |
90 | 4.01 | The Summit-Five Affair | (Le Sommet des cinq) | 11.9.67 |
91 | 4.02 | The Test-Tube Killer Affair | (L'École du crime) | 18.9.67 |
92 | 4.03 | The 'J' for Judas Affair | (J comme judas) | 25.9.67 |
93 | 4.04 | The Prince of Darkness Affair 1/2 | (Espions en helicoptère) 1/2 | 02.10.67 |
94 | 4.05 | The Prince of Darkness Affair 2/2 | (Espions en helicoptère) 2/2 | 09.10.67 |
95 | 4.06 | The Master's Touch Affair | (Le maître signe son oeuvre) | 16.10.67 |
96 | 4.07 | The THRUSH Roulette Affair | (Le Jeu ou la vie) | 23.10.67 |
97 | 4.08 | The Deadly Quest Affair | (La Partie de chasse) | 30.10.67 |
98 | 4.09 | The Fiery Angel Affair | (Le Secret Trois) | 06.11.67 |
99 | 4.10 | The Survival School Affair | (L'École de survie) | 20.11.67 |
100 | 4.11 | The Gurnius Affair | (L'Affaire Gurnius) | 27.11.67 |
101 | 4.12 | The Man from THRUSH Affair | (La Voix d'Armageddon) | 04.12.67 |
102 | 4.13 | The Maze Affair | (Le Fusil Moleculaire) | 18.12.67 |
103 | 4.14 | The Deep Six Affair | (Le Défaut de la cuirasse) | 25.12.67 |
104 | 4.15 | The Seven Wonders of the World Affair 1/2 | (Le Maître du monde) 1/2 | 08.1.68 |
105 | 4.16 | The Seven Wonders of the World Affair 2/2 | (Le Maître du monde) 2/2 | 15.1.68 |